
unit and acceptance testing, automation, productivity

Action focused protocols enhance testability

For a long time I used to name protocols created in order to write tests doubles with names like PizzaServiceType. I recently discovered a better and Swiftier way to do this. I want to share this with you looking at the advantages and the disadvantages it has.

The -Type suffix issues

Hiding dependencies of the system under test behind protocols is a useful way to allow writing test doubles to affect the behaviour to test.

A protocol allows us to implement the test double as a new type rather than a subclass of the dependency itself. This is great because we don't have to worry about what the dependency does internally. The resulting implementation will be very simple.

For a long time I used to name this kind of protocols with the -Type suffix.

protocol PizzaServiceType {

  func getPizzas(_ completion: (Result<[Pizza], PizzaAPIError>) -> ()) { ... }

  func order(_ pizza: Pizza, completion: (Result<Order, PizzaAPIError>) -> ()) { ... }

class PizzaService: PizzaServiceType { ... }

class PizzaServiceDouble: PizzaServiceType { ... }

Other options I've seen are -Protocol or -Serviceable, I'm sure there are more.

No matter the flavour, this naming of protocols always made me uncomfortable.

The Swift API Guidelines have these recommendations for naming protocols:

Protocols that describe what something is should read as nouns (e.g. Collection).

Protocols that describe a capability should be named using the suffixes able, ible, or ing (e.g. Equatable, ProgressReporting).

Using the -Type suffix doesn't fit in either of those categories. In particular, names like PizzaServiceType don't tell us anything about what the type is or the capabilities it has. They don't focus on behaviour.

A better way

If protocols should give us information on how a type behaves then we should ask what PizzaService is. What is it capable of doing?

It does two things. Getting pizzas and making orders. These two behaviours are what the protocol should be about. Since we have two different behaviours, why not having two protocols too?

protocol PizzasGetter {

  func getPizzas(_ completion: (Result<[Pizza], PizzaAPIError>) -> ()) { ... }

protocol OrderMaker {

  func order(_ pizzas: [Pizza], completion: (Result<Order, PizzaAPIError>) -> ()) { ... }

class PizzaService: PizzasGetter, OrderMaker { ... }

class PizzaServiceDouble: PizzasGetter, OrderMaker { ... }


This approach feels less awkward. It actually focused on the properties of the type.

There is another benefit, it enhances local reasoning. Local reasoning means that when you look at some code you only need to understand or think about how the rest of the code interacts with it. All you need to know to understand the code in front of you is contained there, in that type or function.

Imagine we have a review screen showing the Pizzas the user has selected and allows them to submit an Order. The business logic driving this screen only needs to access the order(_ pizzas:, completion:) method. It doesn't need to call getPizzas(_ completion:).

class SubmitOrderBusinessLogic {

  let orderMaker: OrderMaker

  init(orderMaker: OrderMaker) { ... }

  func submitOrder(for pizzas: [Pizza], completion: (Result<Order, PizzaAPIError>) -> ()) {
    orderMaker.order(pizzas, completion: completion)

Making the component expect OrderMaker means even if we init it with an instance of PizzaService type it will only have access to the order(_ pizza:, completion:) method.

When looking at the implementation of SubmitOrderBusinessLogic a reader will only have to be aware of what OrderMaker does. This is less information than PizzaServiceType was exposing.

There is more. Because PizzaServiceType allows access to getPizzas(_ completion:) it leaves the doors open for accidentally breaking the single responsibility principle. A developer in a rushing to implement a feature might be tempted to reach out of the orders domain and make use of getPizzas in SubmitOrderBusinesLogic. Restricting the type to OrderMaker makes this harder. One would have to add a new init parameter.


This approach can result in types conforming to a number of protocols.

class PizzaService: PizzasGetter, OrderMaker, OrderGetter, ... { ... }

A way to keep this under check could be to conform to each protocol in a dedicated extension.

extension PizzaService: PizzasGetter { ... }

extension PizzaService: OrderMaker { ... }

extension PizzaService: OrderGetter { ... }

I have been using this approach in my projects for weeks and I really like it. Naming is one of the hardest problems in software development, but also one of the greatest leverages we have. Once things are well named we can start talking about them without loss of information.

What do you think of this approach? Have you been doing something similar? Will you give it a shot? Get in touch on Twitter at @mokagio or leave a comment below.

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