In the previous post I tried to show the importance and the benefits of decoupling your unit tests from the network, and suggested ways to achieve that. In this new post of the Practical Testing in Swift series we'll look at a concrete implementation.
In short, stubbing network requests in your unit tests will provide you with faster and more reliable tests, make them deterministic, and allow more testing of error and edge cases.
One option to remove the dependency from the network is to use a network stubbing library, and among those OHHTTPStubs is one the most elegant.
This library developed by Olivier Halligon allows you to specify criteria on which to match URL requests leaving the app, and hijack them providing a custom response.
You can integrate OHHTTPStubs in your test target in the usual ways, CocoaPods, Carthage, or manually. Let me know if you need help with the process.
An OHHTTPStubs stub instruction has this structure:
stub(/* your stub criteria */) { request in
return /* your response */
There are two pieces that form the stub instruction, the criteria to use to evaluate whether or not a request made by the app should be hijacked, and the stubbed response to return. For example:
stub(isMethodGET()) { _ in
return OHHTTPStubsResponse(
JSONObject: ["key": "value"],
statusCode: 200,
headers: [ "Content-Type": "application/json" ]
Will intercept any GET request and return a simple JSON object { "key": "value" }
Another example:
stub(isHost("") && isPath("/resource")) { _ in
guard let path = OHPathForFile("success_resource_response.json", self.dynamicType) else {
preconditionFailure("Could not find expected file in test bundle")
return OHHTTPStubsResponse(
fileAtPath: path,
statusCode: 200,
headers: [ "Content-Type": "application/json" ]
Will intercept any request towards
and return
the content of the JSON file success_resource_response.json
located in the
test bundle.
stub(isPath("/foo/bar")) { _ in
let error = NSError(
domain: "test",
code: 42,
userInfo: [:]
return OHHTTPStubsResponse(error: error)
Will stub any request with path "/foo/bar
" and make it fail returning an
with domain test
and code 42
This last request is very useful when testing that our network logic handles failures properly. Testing failures is not as simple when interacting with a real server.
You can read more about the possibilities offered by the library in the Usage Examples Wiki page.
In Practice
Let's imagine we have an APIClient
service class with a method
getResource(withId: String, completion: (resource: Resource?, error: ErrorType?) -> ())
which would go off to the server and fetch the Resource
object with the given
id. If the request succeeds the completion function will be executed with the
serialized Resource
and no error, if it fails the resource will be .None
and the error
will have the value of the received network or server error.
Pretty standard networking code.
Here's a possible test for the behaviour of APIClient
when the request
func testGetResourceSuccess() {
// Arrange
// Setup network stubs
let testHost = ""
let id = "42-abc"
let stubbedJSON = [
"id": id,
"foo": "some text",
"bar": "some other text",
stub(isHost(testHost) && isPath("/resources/\(id)")) { _ in
return OHHTTPStubsResponse(
JSONObject: stubbedJSON,
statusCode: 200,
headers: .None
// Setup system under test
let client = APIClient(baseURL: NSURL(string: "http://\(testHost)")!)
let expectation = self.expectationWithDescription("calls the callback with a resource object")
// Act
client.getResource(withId: id) { resource, error in
// Assert
XCTAssertEqual(resource?.id, stubbedJSON["id"])
XCTAssertEqual(resource?.aProperty, stubbedJSON["foo"])
XCTAssertEqual(resource?.anotherPropert, stubbedJSON["bar"])
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(0.3, handler: .None)
// Tear Down
The test is split in four steps, we start by arranging the inputs for the test and configuring the system under test (sut), we then act and assert that the sut behaved as expected, and finally we tear down any kind of non transient modification we made.
In the arrange step we use OHHTTPStubs
to hijack any network request to the
resource API endpoint, and return a dictionary that we previously initialized.
In the assert step we make sure of two things: first that APIClient
runs the completion function passing a non nil resource object, and a nil
error; second that the receive Resource
is built using the data from the
Finally in the tear down step we make sure that all the stubs set in this test are removed, so that the next tests will find a pristine environment.
Manually building the dictionary for the stubbed response in the test is handy
because it makes clearer where the values that we expect our Resource
to be
initialized with came from, but it might be cumbersome if the properties are
more than a handful.
In such cases I prefer using a .json
file as the stubbed response, thanks to
the OHHTTPStubsResponse(fileAtPath:, statusCode:, headers:)
method we saw
before. This approach adds a mental step that the reader of the test has to
make when looking at the assertions on the state of the received object, but
greatly improves the maintainability of the tests.
Other good side effects of this approach are that the same .json
can be used
multiple times or in multiple tests, and that if you download your JSON stub
files from the server you have a test case that is closer to the "real life".
I will let it up to you to write the failure test using OHHTTPStubs. Or you can check out the example project to see how I would write it.
I hope to have convinced you of the importance of decoupling yourself from the network in your tests, and showed you how simple it is to do so using OHHTTPStubs.
OHHTTPStubs is a great library with a lot to offer, and very well documented, you should really try it.
If you need help with your network stubs, or want to talk more about how to stub the network in your tests get in touch on Twitter or leave a comment below.
On other news: I started a podcast, is called TIL and I share daily(ish) tips on testing, automation, and general software development. I would really appreciate feedback on it, so please head over to an let me know what you think.