
unit and acceptance testing, automation, productivity

Posts tagged "acceptance-testing"

Fixing Bugs Driven By Tests in Swift

Unit and acceptance test are powerful tools that can be used to identify and fix bugs. Let's see how using a bugged Swift app as an example.

How to test UI changes in Xcode 7

One of the characteristic of the UI is that it changes, and there are scenarios in which writing UI tests to assure that the change has happened correctly can be very valuable for the reliability of our apps. Writing such a test is a bit harder than normal, let's see how to do it.

The value of acceptance testing for mobile projects

Companion blogpost for Gio's talk "Talking myself into the value of acceptance testing" at Melbourne CocoaHeads meetup

Xcode 7 UI testing, a first look

How to get started with UI testing in Xcode 7, recording tests and using the new APIs to assert the state of the application under test.

Job stories acceptance tests using KIF and Specta

When writing tests it's very important do be declarative, aiming to have tests that explain how a class is supposed to behave as good as its documentation would do. When talking about acceptance tests we can achieve this kind of clarity by having a 1:1 relationship between the tests and the acceptance criteria for the application. A very effective way to express acceptance criteria is through _job stories_. In this post we'll see how to write acceptance tests that map job stories for our iOS apps, using KIF and Specta.

Setting up KIF for iOS acceptance testing

A guide on install and use the KIF framework for iOS acceptance testing.

The state of iOS testing in 2015

In this post we'll look at the main tools and libraries available to write unit and acceptance tests for iOS and OS X applications, as well as the solutions to host Continuous Integration for our projects.

How to simplify Calabash acceptance testing with Rake

Rake, the Ruby build utility, can lift off all the typing involved in running the Cucumber/Calabash acceptance tests, saving us a lot of typing time.

Setting up Calabash for iOS projects with Cocoapods and Build Configurations

A simple guide that shows the simplest way to install Calabash on an iOS project, by using Build Configurations and CocoaPods.