With his famous pipe wrench lecture, Vannevar Bush taught young MIT engineers the value of precision. The same teaching holds true for software developers.
YDNIY is a purposeful restraint of what you decide to build in the interest of delivering value to the users as soon as possible and consistently.
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, and software development, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny…"
If you focus on writing honest code, you'll end up with software that is easier to understand and work with.
The answer to "How can I test that a view controller presents another view controller when something happens?" is as simple as defining a delegate.
Digital minimalists believe that clutter is costly and optimization is important. Let me show you how these ideas apply to software development as well.
The best thing you can do as a software developer is not writing code, but removing it. Here's why.
This is a blogpost version of the content of my talk "Functional Core, Reactive Shell"
A look at how to write classes and structs that expose their dependencies as initialization arguments in Swift.
Sometimes the idea we get when reading a class interface is different from what is actually going on inside its implementation, for example there could be several hidden dependencies. Making a class dependency explicit in its interface is a useful technique to make the code simpler to understand, and easier to test.